Friday, June 29, 2012

Summer Smoothie

Summer is my favorite season to eat! So many fresh fruits and veggies at markets, in stores, and growing in back-yards. Summer around here often is heard by the humming of the blender and the taste of sweet smoothies while we hang out on the back-porch swinging our days away. If you have picky kids, this is one of the easiest ways to sneak in some of their daily vitamins! Really, smoothies are so flexible. I often times just throw in whatever we have around, but there are a few favorite fruits/veggies that have my kids asking for more when their cup gets low. With the heat index in the 100's this last week, I suggest trying these out sooner then later... a perfect summer treat that you can feel good about serving :)

Summer Smoothie
1-2 bananas
large handful of raw spinach leaves
small handful of fresh Kale
1-2 cups vanilla yogurt (Greek yogurt is best) 
1 Tbsp flax seed or wheat germ
frozen strawberries (or frozen fruit of choice)
4-5 cubes Mama Made carrots baby-food
100% apple juice

This is a really flexible recipe. If you want, you can just use bananas, yogurt, frozen strawberries, and juice to get it to the consistency you want. Or you can add the extra's for some great added nutrients. I start by using a really good blender :)  I first put in my greens, yogurt, bananas, wheat-germ or flax seed, and a little tiny bit of juice. Blend that up. Add some frozen berries and your carrot cubes (if you have them). I add a bit more juice to help the frozen berries puree up nice. You've got yourself a sweet summer treat! As always, enjoy and serve it up with a smile!

PS If your blender won't finely blend your greens, purchase Mama Made, Banana/Spinach or Carrots/Kale, to get your greens into your frozen treats easier.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Fresh Guacamole

I have an addiction. To avocados. I am so thankful our local ALDI has them for a good price, because I eat enough a week to keep them in supply and demand there! I have been playing around with some guac recipes and finally created the perfect one. This mixes up in about 5 minutes and you probably have everything you need on hand, minus the avocado (which, if you want some cheap, you better beat me to ALDI or I may have bought them all :)

Not only do these taste good, but they are good for you! Did you know avocados are a good source of fiber, potassium, and vitamins C,K, folate, and B6? Half an avocado has 160 calories, 15 grams of heart-healthy unsaturated fat, and only 2 grams saturated fat. One globe contains more than one-third daily value of vitamin C, and more than half the day’s requirements of vitamin K. This so called "alligator pear" is a good source of nutrition and even my 10 month old loves them. How can you feel bad eating this guacamole recipe almost everyday? :)

Fresh Guacamole
1 avocado
1-2 cap fulls of lemon juice (great flavor add and keeps it from turning brown so fast)
1-2 good shakes of garlic salt
1-2 good shakes of chili powder (or taco seasoning)
1/4 cup of fresh salsa (you can also buy this at your local grocery store in the refrigerated area)

Simply scrape out your avocado and mash with a fork. Stir in the remaining ingredients. A perfect dip for chips, veggies, or mixed in a wrap! Serve with a smile and enjoy!